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Month: March 2024

In defense of Foster from the slander of “Settlers”

By Leon V., Red Phoenix correspondent, Florida. Published in the 1980’s, J. Sakai’s Settlers has enjoyed a cult following among portions of American revisionists. Sakai pulls no punches in attacking everything he considers an aspect of “settler-colonialism,” some of which are worthy of criticism and others which are nothing but boldly inaccurate. Sakai’s conception and narrative of William Z. Foster falls into the latter. Sakai launches brash claims against the legacy of one of the foremost influential labor organizers of the 20th century by assessing that Foster was chauvinist and sought to inspire a race war between laborers. “In his…

The Anti-Marxist nature of Queer-Antagonistic Revisionism

By Ian Ocx and Red Nesbitt of the American Party of Labor. Introduction In his report to the Eighth Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania, comrade Enver Hoxha stated, “The Marxist-Leninists are not conservative and fanatical, as the revisionists and the bourgeois charge. On the contrary, they are the most progressive people, resolute fighters against everything outdated and backward. They stand firmly on the positions of the new and fight with all their might for its victory.” It is in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism that every communist is duty bound to consistently learn, grow, change, and develop as…

Possibilities of Building Socialism Without Passing Through the Stage of Developed Capitalism

From Albania Today, 1973, 4 By Hekuran Mara – Professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of the PR of Albania, a specialist on problems of political economy. For the undeveloped countries capitalism is not the only prospect of historical development. There also exists the possibility of the transformation of society on a socialist basis. But the “new” revisionist theory of the so-called “non-capitalist road of development” is a deception aimed at putting conventional capitalist development into a false socialist shell. The old colonial system of imperialism has disintegrated under the blows of armed national liberation struggle. Peoples who for…

The Market Under Socialism

ALLIANCE May 2005 Introductory Note With the permission of the Committee of the Stalin Society, I am circulating to members a statement on the present situation in Albania by another former Secretary of the Albanian Society and myself. An Albanian translation is being circulated underground by Albanian Marxist—Leninists. I am taking the opportunity at the same time to circulate a clarification and amplification of the points I made in the discussion which followed Ella Rule’s excellent paper on Stalin’s Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR’. THE MARKET UNDER SOCIALISM by W. B. Bland Is there a Market under Socialism?…

A Marxist Perspective on Human Nature

Written by Francis Isolde for the Red Phoenix, 2010. Of all the reactionary squawking against the theory of Marxism, of the need for and viability of revolution, no worry is more prevalent than that of “human nature.” According to the capitalist, human beings are fundamentally greedy, ego-centric beings who can only be compelled to act with the promise of profit. This understanding has it that “free market” capitalism is a natural by-product of this greed, this social-Darwinist thirst for dominance and material extravagance, and that any system that ignores this essential “human nature” is doomed to corruption at the top and…

For an American Marxist-Leninist Anti-Fascism

Featured image: Members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (XV International Brigade), with Jack Shulman Written by John Palameda for the Red Phoenix, 2017. At the 21st International Seminar on Problems of the Revolution in Latin America hosted by the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador in Quito, the American Party of Labor presented a paper on the issue of fascism as one of chief concerns for contemporary Marxist-Leninists in the United States. The rise of fascism has indeed dominated left discourse in 2017 across tendency, as rapidly expanding anti-fascist movements have waged direct and indirect struggle against the forces of reaction from…

Capitalism is the Oppression of Women

by Polina Brik The oppression of women is an inevitable component of capitalism. Women experience pervasive sexism and discrimination on a daily basis: lack of identity, harassment, being treated as men’s appendages – our voices are simply neglected. When we speak up, we are silenced and reminded of our position as men’s accessories. But where does this misogyny stem from? Historically, women have been regarded as personal property of men. The division of labor caused by the emergence of private property was the starting point of subordination of women to men. Exploited in both the workplace and at home through the…

On Communist Morality

by Francis Isolde — In their ideological battle against the revolutionary working class, the bourgeoisie has advanced a great many myths and purposefully false perceptions and accusations of revolutionary activists. It was a common line in Cold War propaganda that communists are “amoral.” The idea advanced here is that because communists didn’t fit with the notions of morality advanced by the capitalist countries, that they challenged the “sacred” constructs of nationalism, religious hegemony, racial apartheid, bourgeois class domination and bourgeois private property. All of this signified that they were entirely without moral compass in their actions. To those informed only…

Lin Biaoism and the Third World: How Idealism Distorts Class

by Victor Vaughn An odd phenomenon is haunting the halls of Maoism – a chauvinist set of ideas loosely forged from the writings of Chinese military officer and politician Lin Biao. These ideas, to the extent to which they form coherent ideology at all, can roughly be termed “Lin Biaoism.” To be perfectly clear, I am under no impression that “Lin Biaoism” is an entirely new ideology. Lin Biao’s works are not significant enough to constitute a new stage of revolutionary science. What does exist is a wing of Maoism, usually associated with the “third-worldist” variety, that upholds the works…

Revisionism and the Process of Capitalist Restoration

by Alfonso Casal Most people reading this can agree on two incontestable facts: namely, that in 1956 a revisionist clique headed by Nikita Khrushchev took control of the Soviet party and state; and in 1991, the Soviet Union was dismembered and dissolved, and capitalism fully reestablished in its former territories. Our theoretical disagreements center on what happened between those two points. There are two antipodal, yet equally erroneous views that one often hears regarding what happened during those three decades. The first, which corresponds to a sort of primitive Maoism, is that Khrushchev made his speech at the 20th Party…