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Category: Historical Materialism

The Anti-Marxist nature of Queer-Antagonistic Revisionism

By Ian Ocx and Red Nesbitt of the American Party of Labor. Introduction In his report to the Eighth Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania, comrade Enver Hoxha stated, “The Marxist-Leninists are not conservative and fanatical, as the revisionists and the bourgeois charge. On the contrary, they are the most progressive people, resolute fighters against everything outdated and backward. They stand firmly on the positions of the new and fight with all their might for its victory.” It is in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism that every communist is duty bound to consistently learn, grow, change, and develop as…

Possibilities of Building Socialism Without Passing Through the Stage of Developed Capitalism

From Albania Today, 1973, 4 By Hekuran Mara – Professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of the PR of Albania, a specialist on problems of political economy. For the undeveloped countries capitalism is not the only prospect of historical development. There also exists the possibility of the transformation of society on a socialist basis. But the “new” revisionist theory of the so-called “non-capitalist road of development” is a deception aimed at putting conventional capitalist development into a false socialist shell. The old colonial system of imperialism has disintegrated under the blows of armed national liberation struggle. Peoples who for…