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Category: Science

The Anti-Marxist nature of Queer-Antagonistic Revisionism

By Ian Ocx and Red Nesbitt of the American Party of Labor. Introduction In his report to the Eighth Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania, comrade Enver Hoxha stated, “The Marxist-Leninists are not conservative and fanatical, as the revisionists and the bourgeois charge. On the contrary, they are the most progressive people, resolute fighters against everything outdated and backward. They stand firmly on the positions of the new and fight with all their might for its victory.” It is in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism that every communist is duty bound to consistently learn, grow, change, and develop as…

A Marxist Perspective on Human Nature

Written by Francis Isolde for the Red Phoenix, 2010. Of all the reactionary squawking against the theory of Marxism, of the need for and viability of revolution, no worry is more prevalent than that of “human nature.” According to the capitalist, human beings are fundamentally greedy, ego-centric beings who can only be compelled to act with the promise of profit. This understanding has it that “free market” capitalism is a natural by-product of this greed, this social-Darwinist thirst for dominance and material extravagance, and that any system that ignores this essential “human nature” is doomed to corruption at the top and…

Looking Under the Hood – The Instrumentation of a Pandemic

Observed associations between COVID denial, anti-vaxxers, and fascism Introduction Over the pandemic year, a repeated pattern was seen. People joining aggressive, right wing demonstrations whose slogans include ‘COVID is a myth’, ‘vaccinations kill’, and that there is a ‘swamp’ of power and corruption against ‘the people’. Marx tells us that the validity of observations, is only proved by the test of practice.[1] Here repetitive observations (often called reproducibility) become a key ‘proof’ of an undeniable association. The repetitive associations between anti-vaxxers and the far right forms a distinct pattern. What binds these groups? This is an international phenomenon. But here…

Situating Today’s Climate Activists of the ‘Fridays for Future’ Movement

Introduction Everywhere in September 2019, the world’s capitals saw millions of the world youth on the move. All Marxist-Leninists, indeed all Marxists, likely identify with the intensity with which young people challenge the capitalist inaction on climate change. The movement known as ‘Fridays for Future (FFF)’, called an “Earth Strike”, starting on 20th September 2019. Progressives all around the world were excited, we had not seen such a throng on the streets of newly minted progressive activists for long time. Hence, this article focuses on the Fridays for Future movement, and its ideology. At the outset, we state our own conviction: We…