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Tag: Francis Isolde

A Marxist Perspective on Human Nature

Written by Francis Isolde for the Red Phoenix, 2010. Of all the reactionary squawking against the theory of Marxism, of the need for and viability of revolution, no worry is more prevalent than that of “human nature.” According to the capitalist, human beings are fundamentally greedy, ego-centric beings who can only be compelled to act with the promise of profit. This understanding has it that “free market” capitalism is a natural by-product of this greed, this social-Darwinist thirst for dominance and material extravagance, and that any system that ignores this essential “human nature” is doomed to corruption at the top and…

On Communist Morality

by Francis Isolde — In their ideological battle against the revolutionary working class, the bourgeoisie has advanced a great many myths and purposefully false perceptions and accusations of revolutionary activists. It was a common line in Cold War propaganda that communists are “amoral.” The idea advanced here is that because communists didn’t fit with the notions of morality advanced by the capitalist countries, that they challenged the “sacred” constructs of nationalism, religious hegemony, racial apartheid, bourgeois class domination and bourgeois private property. All of this signified that they were entirely without moral compass in their actions. To those informed only…